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For Goalies With Advanced Training Background ONLY!
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Like all of my training programs, the UGT 3.0 is a progressive program which means the program is built in progressively more challenging phases. This is how you develop incredible speed, strength and stamina while simultaneously becoming more injury-proof.
But some of you are coming from a more advanced level, some of you have been training for years already and you can safely start at a more challenging level.
This is where the NEW! UGT Pro Version comes in.
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What's Different About The UGT Pro Version?
If you have an advanced training background you will not need to start quite as gradually as those who are relatively new to a pro-style training program. You already have a good foundation of technique and your body is accustom to a higher training load.
This means your connective tissue is not at as high risk for injury during the first six weeks of training, you can hit it harder right off the bat.
80% of the program is exactly the same - but that extra 20% gives you accelerated results while pushing you to a higher level of strength, speed and stamina.
No thank you Maria, I don't need the UGT Pro module now and I don't expect to need it in the future. I fully understand that I will NOT be able to purchase it separately at a later date - even if I email to say pretty please.
Still Have Questions? Contact Maria's Super Awesome Assistant at - help@hockeytrainingpro.com